Tatjana Medvedev

Tatjana Medvedev

Jan 15, 2024 · 8 min read

Urbanism reference books

Great Streets, by Allan B. Jacobs (1995)

The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs (1961)

The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects, by Lewis Mumford (1972)

The Image of the City, by Kevin Lynch (1960)

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein (1976)

Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, by Joel Garreau (1992)

Approach to the Planning and Design of Public Spaces Through Projects for Cities in Finland and Serbia, Ranko Radović

The 21st Century, The New Age of Exploration The Viking Press, New York 1969 by Fred Warshofsky
The revolution of the Machine, The Smithsonian Library 1968 by Richie Calder
TOM I – The Beginnings of Art, TOM 11 – Beginnings of Architecture, The Eternal Present, a contribution on constancy and change, London, Oxford University Press, 1964 by S.Gideon
Sign, Image and Symbol by G. Kepes, Studio Vista, London 1966
Structure in Art and Science by G. Kepes, Studio Vista, London 1965
Design through Discovery Holt, Rinechart and Winston, N. York by Marjorie Elliott Bevlin
Mechanization takes command, a contribution to anonymous history Oxford University Press, New York, 1948 by S. Giedon
Cities and Society, The revised reader in urban sociology  The Free Press,  Glencoe, Illinois, 1959 by P.K. Hatt and A. J. Reiss
The Architecture of Matter Penguin Books, 1968 by S. Toulmin – J, Goodfield
Value Systems and Social process Penguin Books, 1970 by Geoffrey Vickers
De Stijl Studio Vista, Dutton Pictureback, London 1969 by Paula Overy
Art noveau Studio Vista, Dutton, Pictureback, London by Mario Amaya
Ecology in Design, VIA 1. The student publication of the Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania 1968
The City in History  its origins, its transformations, and its prospects, Harcourt, Brace, and World inc. New York, 1961 by Lewis Mumford
The Origins of Modern Town Planning  The M.I.T. Press, 1967 by Leonardo Benevelo
Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture London 1965 by Peter Collins
The History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture A. I. A. Seminar, M.I.T.  Press, 1965
People and Cities People and Cities, Report of the London Conference, London 1963
The World Cities London 1966 by Peter Hall
An Introduction to Modern Architecture Cassell, London 1961 by J.M. Richards
The Study of Urbanization John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York, London, Sydney, 1965 by P.M. Hauser, L. F. Schnore
Culture and Cities by Lewis Mumford
Architecture, The Appreciation of the Arts Oxford University Press, London 1969 by Sinclair Gauldie
Cities in Evolution by Patrick Geddes
The Historian and the City M.I T. Press, 1963 by Oscar Handlin and John Butchard
An Illustrated History of Urban Environment Matrix of Man, Frederick Praeger Publishers, New York, Washington, London 1969 by Sibyl Moholy –Nagy
International History of City Development Vol I, II, III I IV, Collier-Mac Millan Ltd. London by E. A. Gutkind
Four years old in an urban community Pelican Book, 1968 by John and Elizabeth  Newson
A Concise History of Western Architecture Thames and Hudson, London 1969 by Furneau Jordan
The Modern City Planning in the 19th Century Planning and Cities, Studio Vista London 1969 by Francoise Choay
The Renaissance city Studio Vista, London, 1969 by GulioArgan
Urban Planning in Pre-columbian America G. Braziller, New York, 1969 by Jorge Hardoy
Elements of the Art of Architecture Tames and Hudson, London 1964 by William Muschenheim
National Committee on Urban Growth Policy The New City,  F.A. Praeger, publ. New York, 1969 Edited by Donald Canty
Town Design by Frederick Gibberd
Toward New Towns for America Reinhold, New York 1957 by Clarence Stein

Community and Privacy Garden City, New York, 1963 by Serge Chermayeff and Christopher Alexander
Cities and Space 1963 by L. Wingo
Planning design criteria, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, London 1969 by Joseph de Chiara and Lee Koppelman
Site Planning The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962 by Kevin Lynch
Environmental Design Van Nosstrand Reinhold comp. New York, London 1969 by Richard Dober
The Fitness of Man’s Environment Smithsonian Annual II, Simon and Schuster, 1968
A History of Modern Architecture The Architectural Press, London 1961 by Jurgen Joedicke
Urban Structuring Studio Vista, London 1967 by Alison and Peter Smithson
Design of Cities Viking Press, New York, 1967 by  Edmund Bacon
The Urban Pattern, City Planning and Design D. van Nostrand Comp. Inc. Princeton, New Jersey 1963 by Arthur Gallion and Simon Eisner
New Towns for Old, The Technique of Urban Renewal Leonard Hill, 1963, London by Wilfred Burns
The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design Thames and Hudson, London 1968 by Nikolaus Pevsner
Rebuilding Cities Edinburgh, 1966 by Percy Johnson-Marchall
Guide to Modern Architecture 1967 by R. Banham
Formes and Functions 1955-1966 by Architecture
Pioneers of Modern Design by Nikolaus Pevsner
The Preindustrial City A Free Press Paperback, The Mac Millan Comp, Collier-Macmillan, London 1965 by G. Sjoberg
The Living City: A Mentor Book, Horizont Press, Inc. New York, 1958 by F.L. Wright
The Urban Prospect Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc, New York, 1968 by Lewis Mumford
Cities 1943 by Eleil Saarinen
Urban Design, The Architecture of Towns and Cities Me Grow Hill 1965, New York, London by Paul Spreiregen
Environment for Man 1943 by Eleil Saarinen Indiana University Press, Bloomington and London 1967 Edited by William Ewald, Jr .
Man and Environment, crisis and the strategy of choice Penguin Books, 1969-1970 by Robert Arvill
Studies in Art, Architecture and Design Thames and Hudson, London 1968 by Nikolaus Pevsner
The Language of cities, a Visual introduction to the Form and Function of the City The Mac Lillan Comp. New York, Callier Mac Millan, Ltd. London 1968 by Fran Hosken
Housing and Society Macmillan Company, New York, 1965 by Glenn H. Beyer
Man’s Struggle for Shelter, in an urbanizing worlds The M.I.T.  Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964 by Charles Abrams


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